A greener future is at our fingertips

As part of our ongoing commitment to achieving net zero by 2030, we’re voting leaves!

That is, we’re currently working on plans to plant 1,000 trees across our hospital estate as just one way of helping to offset our carbon emissions.

We’ve recently received funding for 1,000 saplings courtesy of the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare and NHS Forest, and we’re looking to have sites identified and roots in the ground by the end of March this year.

Leaves on trees

Recognising that this is an investment in not only the hospital estate but in the local area and environment more widely, we’d love for you; our staff, our patients, and members of the local community; to help us.

We’re sure many of you would be keen to do something now – such as planting one of those trees – which will be remembered and bring benefits for decades to come, but with community infection rates of Covid-19 still high, we need to make sure we do this in a safe and appropriate way.

We’re currently working through the detail, but if you’d be interested in helping us – either with this planting initiative or with further planting/grounds related work in the coming months – please register your interest using our online form. By registering your details, you’re not committing to take part in any particular event or activity, just to allowing us to update you when opportunities arise which you may be interested in.

The world can become a much greener and healthier place if we all do our bit. Help us make our area great now and for future generations to come.

Vote Leaves.